Dame Helen MirrenRadiant ... Mirren at the London premiere of The Debt. Photo: Getty Images
The late-career bloom of grande dame Helen Mirren shows no sign of fading, writes David Michael.

Standing on a London Underground platform, a businessman uses his mobile phone to take a picture of the Royal British Legion's poppy campaign poster. It's not the worthy cause that attracts his attention but rather the face of the campaign, Helen Mirren. Even at 66 years old, the actor's allure and sex appeal remain undiminished.

An hour later, Mirren gracefully strides into a London hotel room to discuss her latest film, The Debt. Immaculately presented in a navy dress decorated with an impressive jewel-encrusted, web-like necklace, she's not your typical senior citizen.
When she was 30, a palm reader told her she'd find her greatest success after 40. The prophecy came to be, with the past decade particularly fruitful.