Monday, December 5, 2011

Not too long ago I was a lawyer: Gerard Butler

Published: Monday, Dec 5, 2011, 8:48 IST
By Shreya Badola

You are considered to be one of the most bankable actors and your movies cross the $100 million mark mostly… How do you react to that?I’m not quite sure how to react to this. Not too long ago I was a lawyer, I was drinking everyday and I hated my life. Then I saw a play, and a week later, I packed my bags and moved to London to become an actor. I had no connections, no experience, no training, and no prospects. So for a person like me, who from not even knowing till about a few years ago that I wanted to be an actor or I could be an actor, I couldn’t be more grateful for this success.

Tell us about Machine Gun? You play a drug addict who finds Jesus and then goes about building an orphanage… could you relate with the character?Well I’m not sure how much can I as a person relate to Sam’s life before he went to prison, his life of drugs and motor-biking and doing all things wrong. But yeah what I can really relate with is how he felt so intensely for the Sudanese and the situation there. How he felt it wasn’t too late and he could mend his ways and be give it back to the world or the society.

How easy/difficult was it shooting for a biopic? Have you done one before?It’s not about doing a biopic, this all about this particular life or this person’s life. When I read it I was like are you kidding me, this isn’t just one life, there are so many lives. Sam’s lived so many lives in just this one life of his. That was the challenge; it felt like we were shooting two films, on two different continents and I was playing literally two different characters.And doing justice to somebody’s life and its story, it’s such a daunting challenge. It’s anything but easy.

Audiences adore you for both action and rom coms, but what is it that you are more comfortable doing and enjoy the most?I would love to do all kind of films, action, romantic, comedy; anything that challenges me and helps me evolve and push my own boundaries as an actor. This film can be categorised as drama, but i look at it from the perspective of an actor and to me a 300 or Rock n Rolla or say a P.S. I Love You work because they are great stories to be told and I know it’ll be creatively fulfilling to be or portray those characters. The greatest perk of being an actor is that it gives you great variety of the characters that you can be, and stories that you can be part of, why would I ever want to limit myself to just one role or kind of stories.

How was your last India experience?I had a great time in India. Oh my god it’s like my second home. I met Priyanka Chopra, Hrithik, Shak RukhPriyanka threw a party for me, Shah Rukh did one too.

Besides acting, what’re you most passionate about?Right now I am buried neck deep in work; I have so many projects lines back to back. There are two films in post production, I am shooting for Of Men and Mavericks and Thunder Run. So yeah you can say I am passionate about my work, that’s what I am doing all the time it seems. So I think I’ll head for a long break once I’m done with these commitments

DNA  Mumbai

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