Wednesday, January 4, 2012


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Meryl Streep is still terrified of ending up a failure
Wednesday January 4,2012
HER bookshelf must be creaking under the weight of the awards she has won but Meryl Streep is still terrified of ending up a failure.

The Iron Lady star has bagged two Oscars, seven Golden Globes, two Emmys, a Bafta, a Tony Award and five Grammy nominations. But the 62-year-old says she’s driven by the fear that she’s not up to scratch. “I think about failure. Absolutely, day to day and moment to moment,” she admits. “It is there waiting for you.”

And though she has always been a more respected actress than mega star, it seems she isn’t averse to a little diva-like behaviour.

“Sometimes just one thing that goes wrong can send you into your trailer, when one really cute idea you have is shot down or doesn’t work. It’s a terrible feeling but that’s acting.”

However, she puts in the hard graft to ensure success. For her latest role as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, released this Friday, she locked herself in her house for a week to research the former Prime Minister. “I sort of went to jail, shut myself up and did all the cramming I could,” she says.

Jim Broadbent, who plays husband Denis, calls Streep’s performance “extraordinary”.
But despite her stellar reputation not everything Streep touches turns to critical gold. The smash hit musical Mamma Mia! became the UK’s highest grossing film in history on its release in 2008 but was described by critics as “shallow,” “a shambles” and “like drunken karaoke”.

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