Monday, September 12, 2011


Oops! Contrary To Reports, Gary Oldman Is Not Directing His New Film With Colin Firth

Submitted by Brendon Connelly on September 12, 2011 – 11:07 am(0) comments

The Daily Mail reported last week that Gary Oldman was looking to get back in the director’s chair for an undisclosed remake and that Colin Firth was going to take a role. Oldman’s directorial debut, Nil By Mouth was quite the film so this sounded like good news all round.*
Here’s the quote from Oldman:
I think I’m gonna do something with Colin Firth. It was something I’d been thinking about for a while, I can’t say what it is, but it’s a remake, and when I worked with Colin I thought: here’s the guy to do it with.
In the Mail’s story,which was skimmed from a longer piece in Esquire that I haven’t read, it was stated that Oldman was the director of the film. Hard to know if this idea came from the Mail or Esquire, but it doesn’t really matter because Colin Firth has just shot the story down.
Bleeding Cool’s very own Hannah Shaw Williams has just been speaking to Colin, in respect of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and its release this very Friday, September 26th. She asked about the Oldman project, and Firth was quick to point out how the Mail had gotten things wrong.
Slight misreporting on that one … We do want to work together though I don’t think we’re quite ready to say what it is, but if it does go forward then we’ll let everyone know about it… It’s not a directing job on his part, it’s something for us both to act in. He directed one film brilliantly and I’d love to work with him in that capacity but this is to act together.
Colin Firth, you tease. But fairly so.
More from the Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy chaps as the week goes on.
*Except, of course, to those who throw a fit any time somebody uses the R word

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