Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Doctor Who: David Tennant tells Jenna-Louise Coleman "Watch your back!" (RADIO TIMES)

The former Time Lord says the new companion needs to "keep her nose clean"

Former Doctor Who star David Tennant has issued an enigmatic warning to new companion Jenna-Louise Coleman: "Keep your nose clean, watch your back!" "She'll have a brilliant time, I'm very jealous of her starting out on that extraordinary journey," said Tennant, "but, you know, keep your nose clean, watch your back! "You're suddenly rocketed into a world of attention, certainly unlike anything I'd known before," he told Digital Spy. 

"You just need to watch your back a little bit... But it's wonderful. It's such an exciting thing to be starting out on."

READ MORE:  http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2012-03-27/doctor-who-david-tennant-tells-jenna-louise-coleman-watch-your-back!

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