Friday, May 25, 2012

Michael Fassbender reveals the creepy secrets of his Prometheus character. (MORNING SPOILERS)


Michael Fassbender gives the latest take on just how Prometheus connects back to Alien in ways a mere prequel couldn't possibly hope to:

What I will say is that the first Alien film had an intelligent, slow-burning, sinister element to it — there's this feeling in this. Before I read the script, I thought the concept had already been exhausted. I'd seen so many of them — AVP: Alien Vs Predator, Alien here, Alien there. But I can tell you there's no Predator. I came dressed one day as the Predator and was like, "What do you think?" I tried to get him in [laughs]. But it's amazing. It's really about strong characters again. And I love the fact that Noomi [Rapace] is a strong leading female, like Sigourney Weaver was.

He also explains what he found so fascinating about his character, the android David:

What I thought was interesting was him being programmed to react in a certain way. And part of that is him blending in with humans, so does an ego develop to facilitate that? He's there to serve them, but he's sort of disliked because they think he might be superior to him. Or just different. Because humans have that thing where they're like, "Something's different? Persecute!"

Finally, he compares his character to Ian Holm's android in Alien:

He's less developed than Ian Holm [laughs]. That's the way I'm going to describe him from now on. Ridley said, "He's like the butler," but there's a vanity to him. And he always has the answers so there's a swagger to him, too. In fact, I think he might be kind of creepy. I do creepy well.


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