Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Watch: Latest Extended TV Spot for 'Immortals' Packs Quite a Punch

September 21, 2011
Source: Fandango
by Alex Billington
Immortals TV Spot
"Fight for honor! Fight for you future!" If you haven't already seen enough to whet your appetite for Tarsem Singh's fantasy epic Immortals, Relativity recently released an extended 60-second TV spot for the movie over on Fandango. There's a lot of the footage we've seen the second and third trailers for Immortals, and some new stuff, but most just lots of awesome action, badass music, lots to get you hyped up to see this. Henry Cavill stars as Theseus, Mickey Rourke as the evil King Hyperion, as well as Luke Evans, John Hurt, Kellan Lutz, Stephen Dorff and Freida Pinto. I can't wait to watch this, only a few months left. Enjoy!
Watch the new TV spot for Tarsem Singh's Immortals, embedded from Fandango:

Immortals follows the story of warrior prince Theseus as he leads men into battle against imprisoned titans in order to save mankind. It's a $100 million epic and will be converted to 3D in post-production for release by Relativity this year, after being shot on soundstages in Montreal last year. The screenplay was written by Charley Parlapanides & Vlas Parlapanides. Also starring: Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff as Stavros, John Hurt as Old Zeus and Corey Sevier as Apollo. "The Gods are like superheroes," Tarsem has teased before. Relativity is bringing Immortals to theaters everywhere in 3D starting on November 11th. Going to see it?

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