Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sony Classics aims for lead with Keira Knightley in 'A Dangerous Method,' supporting for 'Carnage' cast

Hit Fix

When I spoke to Sony Classics honcho Michael Barker at this year's Telluride Film Festival, he told me, "Watch out for Jodie Foster." We were talking about the lead actress category at the time, and Roman Polanski's "Carnage" had just played the Venice fest. He was high on her chances and feeling invigorated by reactions to her showy turn in the film.

Well, things change in an Oscar season. According to screening literature recently placed at the studio's official site, not only will Foster actually be campaigned in the supporting actress category, but so will co-star Kate Winslet. Additionally, the other actors in the film's quartet -- Christoph Waltz and John C. Reilly -- will be campaigned for supporting actor, taking the entire cast out of lead contention.

This, I think, is a smart way to go. The Best Actress race is already filling up and seems to have little room for movement between seven or eight serious possibilities. Meanwhile, the film's best shot at a nomination is probably for Christoph Waltz's smarmy lawyer (the character portrayed by Jeff Daniels on Broadway). And in a category that has a lot of wiggle room, I think he becomes a real possibility now.

I wasn't a big fan of Polanski's film or Foster's performance, which I found to be way too broad. She will fare better in supporting actress than in lead, but I don't know how far she'll get. Nevertheless, again, I see the logic and think it's a smart play.
So, with that in mind, what do you say to this? These films haven't been released yet but maybe some of you have caught them at this or that festival. Any thoughts?

(These changes will be reflected in Monday's chart update.)

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