Thursday, March 8, 2012

Benedict Cumberbatch: The Doctor’s Master? (KASTERBOROUS)


Recently, rumours have started up that Benedict Cumberbatch, the leading man from Steven Moffat’s other successful BBC TV series, would be donning the nefarious black cape to resurrect the Master.

The actor that was at one time in consideration to play the role of the Eleventh Doctor may now play his polar opposite.I say bring it on.

Cumberbatch would be brilliant, he would be cold, he would be calculating and above all he would embody the role of the Master. Since Matt Smith was going to try and play his best friend in Sherlock by auditioning for the part of Doctor Watson it seems ironic that these two should finally get to play at being friends in an altogether different way.

And what about including this new Master in the 50th anniversary? If the Doctor is going to have a massive party, it only seems right to invite his bosom buddy. But don’t stop at Cumberbatch; bring back all the surviving Masters to have a pop at the Doc! We’re all so concerned about seeing the Doctor’s previous incarnations at his birthday, what about seeing multiple Masters?

Read the entire article:

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