The German-born actor, in his third collaboration with director Steve McQueen, admits that the film is tough to watch—some parts more than others. And it was no picnic to shoot, either.
"For me, the rape scene was most difficult to film and probably the most difficult to watch was the whipping scene," Fassbender, who plays a sadistic plantation owner, told E! News at the film's press junket.
Lucky for everyone involved with the impressively cast ensemble tear-jerker, for which star Chiwetel Ejiofor is already getting Oscar buzz, they had each other.
"There are heavy, intense moments when you're on set and filming. But we had a lot of support within each other, a lot of respect, a lot of love on that crew and amongst the actors," Fassbender said, "so we were looking after each other, you know."
Brad Pitt has a small role in the film as a Canadian carpenter, but Fassbender credits the actor's role behind the scenes as the one that really brought the based-on-a-true-story 12 Years a Slave to life.
READ MORE HERE (THERE'S ALSO A NICE VIDEO):http://www.eonline.com/news/459944/michael-fassbender-reveals-most-difficult-scenes-in-12-years-a-slave-thanks-brad-pitt-for-film-s-existence?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-topstories&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_topstories
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