Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Who's your daddy? How Hugh Grant and other celebs deal with unexpected babies

Belfast Telegraph Woman

Grant had every excuse to be perplexed. He had, after all, only a brief relationship with the Chinese actress Tinglan Hong earlier this year. And at 51, the news that you have suddenly and unexpectedly become a dad for the first time would be a bit of a curve-ball for anybody.

However, while Grant is not yet in the running for Father of the Year, the actor's initial response has shown a lot more maturity and honourable intent than that displayed by fellow celebrity "casual dads" such as Boris Becker and Eddie Murphy.

Grant only had to look to Steve Bing, the ex-boyfriend of his old girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley, for how not to react to the news of unexpected fatherhood.
Bing, a US film producer and businessman, very publicly forced Hurley to take DNA tests after he refused to acknowledge the paternity of their son Damien (the tests proved that he was, indeed, the daddy).

The American multi-millionaire committed PR suicide by telling the press that he couldn't be sure that he was father of Elizabeth Hurley's son, since "the relationship hadn't been exclusive".
In stark contrast, Grant's initial reaction to the news that he had become a dad was to issue a statement welcoming his new daughter into the world, saying he was "delighted" with the news.

His ex-girlfriend Hong has now moved into a house in Fulham, close to Grant's. The 1.5m townhouse is believed to be owned by one of Grant's cousins and the actor has already visited mother and daughter (the baby's name has yet to be disclosed).

The Love Actually actor is said to be more than happy to play a significant part in his daughter's life. Of course, it helps that Grant is not in a long-term relationship and has spoken in the past of his longing to become a father.

He is currently reported to be dating German-born jazz-singer Elisa Schmidt who is, at 21, 30 years his junior.

But there are a few golden rules to follow when you're fatering from a distance, says parenting expert Andrew Watson, who has written Down To Earth with a Bump: The Diary of a First-Time Dad.
"Consistencey is key," says Watson. "Let your child know what to expect and stick to it. Short, regular visits are better than long and infrequent ones. When you're with them, give your undivided attention."

Grant has avoided the avalanche of negative publicity that has fallen on the likes of Boris Becker and Eddie Murphy in the past.

Becker, the former tennis superstar, found himself in a paternity case after a (very) brief encounter with a hostess/model in a broom cupboard at the top-people's restaurant Nobu in London in 1999.
The German sportsman was left red-faced when the object of his hasty desires, Angela Ermakova, told the world that the sex-session had lasted "two minutes, at most" and compared his performance to a "runaway train".

Becker responded by calling her a gold-digger and only owned up to being the father of baby girl Anna after paternity tests.

The ex-tennis star took a more involved role in his daughter's life in 2007 when he sued her mother for joint custody, claiming he was worried about how little Anna was being brought up.

Eddie Murphy became another high-profile dad when he initially denied all responsibility for his daughter with the former Spice Girl Melanie Brown (Scary Spice).

After the couple broke up in 2006 and he heard the news that Mel B was pregnant, the comedian and actor ungraciously told a TV interviewer that he could not be sure of the paternity of the baby without DNA tests.

Those tests were duly made and Eddie Murphy was compelled to acknowledge his daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown. He offered to pay Mel B's medical expenses covering the birth.
The actor Jude Law took a different approach to "casual fatherhood" when a model called Samatha Burke claimed he was the father of her child.

Amid a lot of media attention, Law simply stayed silent on the matter. However, after baby Sophia was born in 2009, Law met up with Burke (and her lawyers) in Florida to work out a child-support agreement

Law and Burke are now said to have a good relationship but the Sherlock Holmes star has not talked about how much of a role he will play in little Sophia's life, beyond ensuring she does not want for financial support.

American actor Ryan Phillippe became a father after an off-and-on relationship with the actress Alexis Knapp.

Phillipe was present at his child's birth and the couple have come to an amicable agreement.
Another famous actor, Benicio Del Toro, only learned that he was about to become a dad after splitting with singer Rod Stewart's daughter Kimberly.

However, Del Toro has since become the model of responsibility.

Rather strangely, tweenie singing idol Justin Bieber could be the next "casual dad" if the claims of a fan named Mariah Yeater are proved in court -- they are strongly denied by the Bieber camp.
Yeater, a 20-year-old Californian, claims to have given birth to the pop star's son three months ago.
She has asked the 17-year-old pop star to submit to DNA tests. Bieber has so far refused to co-operate.
Irish Independent

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