Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Emily Blunt talks about Salmon Fishing, Ewan McGregor and Colin Firth; by NEALA JOHNSON, (NEWS.COM.AU.)

> > Salmon Fishing in the Yemen has been described as "delightfully preposterous", which makes sense given it's about a sheik who wants to fish in the middle of the desert. What did you think when you got the script?

I probably thought that - delightfully preposterous! As preposterous as the idea is, I loved the dynamics of all the relationships. And it's quite hard to find an original story nowadays. So you have to go and write something as preposterous as Salmon Fishing in the Yemen to get something original (laughs).

 > > Was your chemistry with co-star Ewan McGregor immediate?

We became instant friends. We laughed and laughed on the film. It's lovely when you get to cry with laughter with someone. We're quite similar, Ewan and I, we work similarly. 

> > You've said he has no self-control ...

None! He's a giggler, he's really goofy.

> > So after you made a film about fishing, you then made a film about golf.

 (Laughs) Arthur Newman, Golf Pro, yeah. That's about these two incredibly weird social outcasts who embark on this crazy road trip across America. They take on new identities, break into people's houses ... it's a very bizarre, but really unlikely love story. And I got to get weird with Colin Firth!

 > > Did you click with Colin as easily as Ewan?

 I loved him very much, we had a blast. Colin is one of these people who is fantastic to tease because he's got no ego. He got tortured by me and the hair and make-up girls. And he's soooo British.

 > > Do you ever temper your Britishness while in LA? I never temper it! I use it (laughs).

It gets you places because it's more of a rarity. It's got me off speeding tickets, so I'll keep using it.


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