Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bridget Jones’s Diary a classic Christmas Eve movie (Film Industry Network)

Posted by Iain Alexander on December 24, 2011

10 years after it’s release ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ is a worthy classic to watch on Christmas Eve, featuring Hugh Grant, Renée Zellweger and Colin Firth. The British romantic comedy received rave reviews at the time of its release and was seen as one of the best comedy films of the past decade.
‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ was not a sure success as British viewers were initially intrigued whether Renée Zellweger could pull off an authentic British accent. She proved audiences she could deliver, almost flawlessly opposite quite possibly the most English of actors; Colin Firth, who this year shined in ‘The King’s Speech’.

Directed by Sharon Maguire, ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ captures the romanticism of a cosy Christmas atmosphere. The story centers around two completely opposite characters who’s personal flaws draw laughter from virtually every scene. Both Zellweger and Firth are completely dysfunctional in their own ways. One is a hopeless romantic, and the other, a successaholic with virtually zero communication skills.

It was a brilliant casting with a touching story including silly twists and turns, and a good mixture of Hugh Grant’s sex-addicted character juxtaposed between the two main characters. Why not give it another watch if you haven’t already? Have a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration!

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