Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Henry Cavill:"As a comic book fan, Superman is like the Rosetta Stone of all superheroes," Snyder says. (IFC)

“Man of Steel” is a “more serious version of Superman,” says Zack Snyder

“Man of Steel” might be coming out next year, but there’s little that we actually know about the movie. We know it stars Henry Cavill as Superman and are pretty sure it stars Michael Shannon as Zod, though director Zack Snyder has been coy about that casting in the past. We also know it had the help of Christopher Nolan, so it likely should have the same tone as his “The Dark Knight” trilogy. But beyond that, we’re at a loss.

The only time we’ve seen official footage from the movie was in the two teaser trailers released back in July, and they didn’t show us much. We’re likely due for a full theatrical trailer over the next couple of months, but for now we just need to take Snyder’s word that this is a movie we should all be dying to see.

“It’s a more serious version of Superman,” he said. “It’s not like a heart attack. We took the mythology seriously. We take him as a character seriously. I believe the movie would appeal to anyone. I think that you’re going to see a Superman you’ve never seen before. We approached it as though no other films had been made. He’s the king-daddy.”

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