Saturday, May 19, 2012

'Missing' series finale: How it ended (spoiler alert) (Sean Bean lives!) by Mandi Bierly Tags: Television, TV Season Finales, TV (EW)

Spoiler alert! If you haven’t seen the Missing series finale and intend to, stop reading now.

Missing’s 10-episode first season, which became its only season, ended with a rollercoaster hour that gave us a complete ride, then forgot to brake and sent us flying off the track. Dax emerged a hero, helping to break Paul (Sean Bean) out of a Bulgarian prison — though Paul did most of the work shooting his way out. Nice to see Sean Bean get physical. Dax wounded an escaped Violet during a woods chase — is there any kind of chase this series didn’t do? (My favorite is still the ridiculously stealthy motorboat hunt.) And Becca (Ashley Judd) went against everything she stood for and tortured the location of where Martin’s uranium deal was going down in Istanbul out of Violet. Ashley Judd’s tear level afterward was perfect: Enough for someone forced to do what she’d just done to show remorse, but not too much that she lost any of her badass cred. Do not eff with mothers. After the raid of the drop was botched, Becca and Paul chased Martin, and Martin shot Paul in the right shoulder.

Becca continued on and came face-to-face with Michael, who Martin used as a human shield. Oksana reverse-headbutted the guy who’d first captured her long ago (poetic justice), and Becca shot him. When the police sirens started, Martin shoved Micheal toward Becca and ran the other direction. Michael and Becca embraced in slow motion. “This isn’t over yet,” she told Michael as she went off to have a rooftop shootout with Martin. After she finally hit his side, she told him she’d spent the last 10 years learning how to be a decent human being and in two weeks — it was only two weeks? — he took her right back. He didn’t think she’d finish him off. “You won’t kill me, Becca. You’re not that cold-blooded agent anymore,” Martin said. “You’re right. I’m not,” she said. “I’m a mother.” And, we heard a gunshot. Becca came to the side of the roof,  gun in hand, looked down on everyone, and was backlit by the sun like the Angelina Jolie-style action hero she was. Cheesy, but you know what, she earned it.


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